Meet the Crew Behind the Waikato River Explorer
Darren and Vanessa Mills have lived in the Waikato on and off for the last 23 years and are passionate about the region and promoting the areas’ attractions including the beautiful Waikato River.
Darren has been a commercial Ferry Master for the past 15 years with experience initially on the Waikato River, then Rotorua and then with one of the large Ferry operators in Auckland prior to launching Waikato River Explorer. His previous career was in media which is how Darren and his wife Vanessa arrived in Hamilton. Vanessa has an extensive background in business administration, event planning and management having gained her Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management from Waikato University.
In 2012, Darren, Vanessa and several other business people decided to restart cruise operations on our beautiful river.
“We are really excited about the Waikato River Explorer and creating an iconic visitor activity for the city of Hamilton” says Da